Tag: Guilt

Searching for Purpose

I was sitting on a bench just enjoying the beautiful fall day. It was sunny and warm, or perhaps I was warm due to the semi-vigorous bike ride. Every now and then a cloud would briefly cover the sun or a gentle breeze would throw a slight chill in the air, a reminder that eventually …

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If We All Stop Buying Stuff Will We Destroy the World?

I recently started a buy nothing experiment. Minimalism is one of the unintentional themes of this blog, and as I move through life I find myself drifting towards it more and more. I’m an advocate of cutting out unnecessary things from our lives. After all, most of the stuff around us doesn’t really make us …

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The Messy Truth About Privilege


  Privilege I typed a single word onto the page. Privilege. It sat on my screen for several days. I tried to start an article several times, but I simply couldn’t write, which is odd because usually I can get something out, even if it is complete garbage. This time was different though.   Maybe …

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The Cult of Productivity


Fitter, Happier, More Productive Productivity is great, right? I mean who doesn’t want to be more productive. Productivity means you are doing things, often important things. And getting things done is what we do. Society needs people buzzing around doing stuff to keep the hive running smoothly. Idle hands are the Devils work after all. …

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A Brief Observation on Shame

Shame and Identity

Shame and Identity After reading my last article someone sent me the following comment: When someone asks me what I do or a living, I feel a certain degree of shame. It feels like I am not only afraid of being judged by others, but I am afraid of judging my own identity. Shame is …

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