Tag: Philosophy

Social Media is Clutter


Clutter Clutter is everywhere in our lives, and getting rid of it increases our happiness. This is the third post in a loose collection of articles on decluttering. First I discussed my experiences with and benefits of what we all think of when we hear the word clutter:  getting rid of actual physical possessions. Next …

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Falling into Happiness

falling into happiness

[Editor’s note: Today’s article is a guest post written by my brother, who is not only younger and better looking than me, but a pretty good writer as well. He has some great stories and an insightful philosophy on life. I’m delighted to share this one with you. Enjoy.-HP]   When you fall, I’ll be …

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How to be the Happiest Person in the Room


  This blog is about happiness and freedom, and most days I am the happiest person in the room. This was not always the case. For most of us happiness is just a random state that we sometimes find ourselves experiencing, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Happiness is a skill and has …

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The Power of Love and Fear

I’ve heard it said that there are only two basic emotions, love and fear. Everything else is a derivative of these basic two drivers. When we talk about freedom it is useful to differentiate freedom to (love) and freedom from (fear). It is about running towards something or running away from something. This is an …

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Dangers of Relying on the 4% Rule in Early Retirement Scenarios

  Dreaming of Retirement I recently found myself on a beach in Maui. We had some airline vouchers we needed to use before they expired and decided Hawaii would be a great way to burn them (it was). As I laid there on the warm sand and listened to the ocean waves gently breaking on …

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How Understanding the Marginal Utility of Money Will Make you Happier

  Money is a very interesting thing, and not as simple as it seems at first glance. I really didn’t understand it’s complexity until recently. We go to work and in return we receive money as payment.  We spend this money on stuff. This is as sophisticated as most people get. I thought of myself …

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Lessons From World Domination Summit 2016

Earlier this summer I attended the World Domination Summit (WDS), an annual event in Portland, Oregon with a few thousand attendees. It is a week-long collection of meetings, events, speakers and parties with the core principals of community, adventure and service. Now if that sounds kind of vague and nonspecific I’m with you; actually I …

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A Reflection on the Certainty of Death

  On some subconscious level, nearly everything we think and do is a distraction from the fact we are going to die. We intuitively know this at some point. Like the iPhone, we do not, and are not meant to, last forever. From the moment we exist we begin the process of dying, continuously moving …

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You are Replaceable. Congratulations!

Yes, you heard me right. You are replaceable. And this should be a relief to you. Many times we feel the work we do is so unique and that without it the company/industry/economy/world will fall apart without us. I believed this at one point, but in reality this is all a grand delusion.  At first, …

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Why The News Is Making You Miserable

Prior to medical school I became interested in ‘alternative medicine’. This was a rather loose term that basically included anything that was not traditional medicine or generally taught in a typical western medical school. I picked up a book and actually went to a lecture by this guy Dr. Andrew Weil, a jovial Harvard trained …

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