Tag: Habit

Buy Nothing 2018 Experiment – November Update

The purpose of doing an experiment is to learn something about yourself, and to see if there is an opportunity for growth or positive change. I started the Buy Nothing 2018 experiment with this in mind. It started with a no clothes challenge, but since I had plenty of clothes I didn’t think this would …

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Losing Everything

  Today’s guest post is written by EJ, a physician blogger who writes at Dads Dollars Debts. I reached out to him shortly after I read this post, and asked him to share his story with all of you. Enjoy! THP   So how does one lose all of their possessions in a single day? …

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Buy Nothing 2018 Experiment – May Update


I am 5/12th of the way through my buy nothing experiment I started at the beginning of the year. In short, I have decided to be more deliberate about my consumption and buy things only when they meet certain criteria as I described in this blog post.   As I progress I am starting to …

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Buy Nothing 2018 Experiment – April Update

Failure The problem with a buy nothing experiment where only one member of the family is participating (me) is that many of the purchasing decisions are really made by the family (and by family I mean Mrs. Happy Philosopher). Sometimes it is hard to assign a purchase to one person or the other. I could …

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Buy Nothing 2018 Experiment – March Update

I’m a little late with the March update because I just got back from spring vacation. It was a great time and we spent plenty of money, but none of it was on ‘stuff’. All of the money we spent was on transportation, food and experiences. Knowing I would not be buying anything this trip, …

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Buy Nothing 2018 Experiment – February Update

I was a bit groggy and tired from a long day of work the day before, and I had not yet had my coffee when Mrs. Happy Philosopher greeted me with a colorful bag with decorative paper sticking out of the top.   Mrs. HP: “I got you a birthday present.” HP: “But it’s not …

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Buy Nothing 2018 Experiment – January Update

buy nothing tile

  Buy Nothing January Update Well January is over, and my buy nothing experiment is approximately 1 month old. You may remember this started as a buy no clothes for 2018 experiment, but after reflecting upon it I thought it was just too easy. After taking inventory I realized I had enough clothes to last …

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New Experiment: Buy Nothing for 1 Year

buy nothing

New Experiment I recently decided not to buy clothes for one year. You should probably read that post first to get some context for this one. I was quite proud of myself. No clothes for a whole year. Wow, I’m such a noble and self-sacrificing person. How minimalist is that?   I took an inventory …

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The Power of Eating Together

eating together

  Eating I’ve discussed eating before in a previous blog post. It was about changing my diet and experimenting with what made my body feel good. There are other important aspects of eating though. Food is not just physical nourishment, but psychologic nourishment as well. Eating a meal has a social, communal and deeply spiritual …

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That Time I Didn’t Buy the Shoes

  That Time I didn’t Buy the Shoes   I try to limit the amount of new things that come into my life. Blame it on minimalism, laziness, environmentalism, dementia or maybe a combination. This is a deep seated philosophy that has slowly developed over time, and as usual, it is based on happiness. It …

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