Tag: Honesty

Searching for Purpose

I was sitting on a bench just enjoying the beautiful fall day. It was sunny and warm, or perhaps I was warm due to the semi-vigorous bike ride. Every now and then a cloud would briefly cover the sun or a gentle breeze would throw a slight chill in the air, a reminder that eventually …

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Reflections of a Millennial Doctor: Burnout

One of the wonderful things about having a blog is stumbling upon other peoples writing. A few months ago I discovered another blogger writing about burnout and I was intrigued. Her name is ‘M’ and she writes at https://reflectionsofamillennialdoctor.com.  I love her writing, and after reading a few posts I  immediately reached out to her …

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The Messy Truth About Privilege


  Privilege I typed a single word onto the page. Privilege. It sat on my screen for several days. I tried to start an article several times, but I simply couldn’t write, which is odd because usually I can get something out, even if it is complete garbage. This time was different though.   Maybe …

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Death of a Colleague


Recently a physician I know died suddenly, at home. He was young, certainly young enough for his death to be surprising. Shortly after this news filtered to me via the grapevine, a brief email from hospital administration arrived in my inbox. It was light on details, vaguely written, asked for thoughts and prayers. You know, …

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Why Relationships Matter


Relationships Relationships are the foundation of a meaningful life. We are surrounded by others, and we largely define ourselves by our relationships. Although life is a single player game, we are not solitary beings. We depend on others for our survival, both physical and spiritual, and life is simply better when we share our successes …

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The Power of No

  The Power of No No is the most powerful word in the English language. Ask any 3 year old. This is a major part of our development as humans, to realize we have the power to resist rather than simply go along with everything the world wants from us. It is an awesome super …

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The Real Benefits of Honesty Nobody Told You

amazing benefits of honesty

The brilliant late philosopher David Foster Wallace opened with the following parable at his commencement speech to Kenyon College class of 2005:   There are these two young fish swimming along, and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says,“Morning, boys, how’s the water?” And the …

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